Read more about my journey as a singer with voice disorders and how mindfulness helped me overcome muscle tension dysphonia. I now offer mindfulness classes for others with voice disorders. The curriculum is based on my own published, peer-reviewed research.
Article: Effects of an 8-Week Mindfulness Course in People With Voice Disorders
How to Find a Voice Specialist Speech-Language Pathologist
Most speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have very little experience and training in treating voice disorders. As part of their masters degree, SLPs are required to take one course in voice disorders — and that course may focus more on signs and symptoms than on treatment. If you’ve been diagnosed with a voice disorder, it is essential that you see an SLP who is well-versed in voice. But how can you know whether an SLPs has the experience to help you? This post will give you some ideas of what to look for or what questions to ask.